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What are you Presenting in this season? Trust or Doubt.

Writer's picture: montenebryantmbmontenebryantmb

What are you presenting to the Lord in this season? Is this a time of significant changes in your life? Changes can foster the growth of trust and faith within you. These changes lead to offerings for the Lord, as you recognize that by acting in obedience, you are pleasing Him. Trust plays a crucial role in the new place you are being led to. I recall the powerful presence of God during my childhood in the church. This movement arose from repentance, hunger, and a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

A surrendering of oneself and presenting your heart to Him. This brings to mind 2 Corinthians 9:6-7: "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God LOVES a cheerful giver." Everyone

needed to sow in the beautiful presence.

Sowing involves setting aside all personal agendas, allowing Him to guide us, and offering Him a sacrifice of praise from a pure heart. Oh, how the Lord meets us in this intimate way, drawing us into the chambers of His love. I've experienced it; it's so beautiful and tangible. He is a loving Father who desires for you to move in His presence, just like Moses and the people who followed the Lord, guided by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, enabling them to travel both day and night (referencing Exodus 13:21). This beautifully illustrates how Moses and the Israelites relied on God's direction, moving as the cloud moved. It reminds me that even today, as we follow the Holy Spirit's guidance, we must intentionally discern God's direction as leaders, surrendering to the Holy Spirit's movement as an offering to the Lord. Change involves submitting to God's movement, rather than following our own planned agendas. Every thought should be examined through the Holy Spirit's lens and His written word. As you enter this next week, be intentional in seeking the Lord and allow Him to lead you.

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